You are also able to change things from Subtitles to having green blood. Even in the Japanese Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams the option for both text and voice in English are available. The game includes Japanese voice overs if the player wishes to change that, this feature was only included in the original Onimusha before the release of Dawn of Dreams.

Again just like in Onimusha 3: Demon Seige the game uses full 3D rendered backgrounds as apposed to pre-rendered backgrounds used in the first two games. One of the main changes from its predecessor was the full use of the camera, however in a few areas the camera is locked. However the main character this time around will be " Sōki" based on real life person Yūki Hideyasu who was Tokugawa Ieyasu's second son. Overview Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is the 4th main installment to the Onimusha series.